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How to use variation in your middle - late stage exercise rehab

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

It can be hard sometimes to know how to progress and modify your exercise prescription in a logical way. In my previous video I spoke at length about using patterns of movement to structure your rehabilitation. This is a very simple method that any therapist can used to select the best exercises for ther patients.

Now, within each movement pattern a range of exercses can be selected and adapted to increase its effectiveness by adapting the following:

  1. The point of load appliation

  2. The range of motion

  3. The plane of movement

  4. The base of support

As a physiotherapist and strength and conditioning coach this provides me with a broad menu of exercises for my rehabilitation programmes regardless of the patients functional goals , occupation or return to sport goals.

Want to learn more ?

If you want to learn more about how to apply strength and conditioning into your clinical practice then why not Click Here, to try out my online course: Clinical Strength and Conditioning.

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