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How to Precribe Exercise like an Expert!

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

How many times have you lost focus with a long-term patient you were managing because you got lost in the detail? Well this is normal and happens to very experienced as well as early career therapists that don’t define their treatment/ management outcome from the start?

In clinical practice we are bombarded with different treatment options, new techniques and exercise modalities to solve clinical problems. But with all these options it can sometimes be very confusing to decide what to use and when to use it.

In this short video I explain why its important to define the management outcome you are chasing from the very start. I mean, clearly articulating to yourself what physiological (muscle / tendon hypertrophy, power development, joint mobility, max strength or pain modulation) or psychological (self-efficacy, self-confidence) outcome you are wanting for your patient now!

This might change over the course of your patient’s rehabilitation as their situation changes. But you have to set out your stall, stick with it and have courage in your conviction ….

I hope you enjoy this video and it provides you with some food for thought and discussion with your colleagues.

Best wishes


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